State Management in React: Exploring Recoil, Zustand, and Jotai

State management is a crucial aspect of building React applications, especially as they grow in complexity. While React's built-in state management using useState and useReducer is powerful, it can become challenging to manage state across large applications with deeply nested components or complex state dependencies. This is where state management libraries come in.

M Zeeshan

8/16/20244 min read

lines of HTML codes
lines of HTML codes

In this article, we’ll explore three modern state management libraries: Recoil, Zustand, and Jotai. Each of these libraries offers unique features and approaches to state management, catering to different needs and preferences.

Recoil: Atom-Based State Management

Recoil is a state management library developed by Facebook. It introduces a unique approach to state management in React by using atoms and selectors to manage and derive state.

Key Concepts in Recoil
  • Atoms: Atoms are units of state in Recoil. Each atom represents a piece of state that can be read and written by any component that subscribes to it.

  • Selectors: Selectors are derived state in Recoil. They compute their value based on other atoms or selectors and automatically update when their dependencies change.



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import { atom, selector, useRecoilState, useRecoilValue } from 'recoil'; // Define an atom const textState = atom({ key: 'textState', // unique ID (with respect to other atoms/selectors) default: '', // default value (aka initial value) }); // Define a selector const charCountState = selector({ key: 'charCountState', // unique ID get: ({get}) => { const text = get(textState); return text.length; }, }); function TextInput() { const [text, setText] = useRecoilState(textState); return ( <input type="text" value={text} onChange={(e) => setText(} /> ); } function CharacterCount() { const count = useRecoilValue(charCountState); return <>Character Count: {count}</>; } function App() { return ( <div> <TextInput /> <CharacterCount /> </div> ); }

In this example, textState is an atom that holds the text input value, and charCountState is a selector that derives the character count from textState. Recoil’s atom-selector pattern is particularly useful for managing complex state dependencies and avoiding unnecessary re-renders.

When to Use Recoil
  • Complex State Dependencies: Recoil excels when your application has complex state dependencies, as it can efficiently manage derived state.

  • Granular Component Re-Renders: Recoil minimizes re-renders by updating only the components that are subscribed to the relevant atoms or selectors.

Zustand: A Minimalist State Management Library

Zustand (German for "state") is a small, fast, and scalable state management library for React. Unlike Recoil, Zustand does not rely on context or React’s built-in hooks, making it more flexible and easier to integrate with different parts of your application.

Key Concepts in Zustand
  • Stores: Zustand uses stores to hold and manage state. A store is a function that returns an object containing state variables and methods to update the state.

  • Selectors: Zustand allows you to create selectors to extract specific parts of the state, optimizing re-renders.



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import create from 'zustand'; // Create a store const useStore = create((set) => ({ text: '', setText: (text) => set({ text }), charCount: () => set((state) => state.text.length), })); function TextInput() { const { text, setText } = useStore((state) => ({ text: state.text, setText: state.setText, })); return ( <input type="text" value={text} onChange={(e) => setText(} /> ); } function CharacterCount() { const charCount = useStore((state) => state.charCount()); return <>Character Count: {charCount}</>; } function App() { return ( <div> <TextInput /> <CharacterCount /> </div> ); }

In this example, Zustand's store holds the state and provides methods for updating it. Zustand’s API is simple and unopinionated, allowing you to structure your state management logic as you see fit.

When to Use Zustand
  • Simplicity and Flexibility: Zustand is ideal for developers who want a simple and flexible state management solution without the boilerplate.

  • Small to Medium-Sized Applications: Its minimalistic approach is well-suited for small to medium-sized applications where simplicity is key.

Jotai: Primitive and Flexible State Management

Jotai (Japanese for "state") is another minimalistic state management library for React that focuses on primitives. Jotai’s API is inspired by Recoil but with a simpler, more flexible design.

Key Concepts in Jotai
  • Atoms: Similar to Recoil, Jotai uses atoms as units of state. However, Jotai’s atoms are simpler and can be used in a more flexible way.

  • Derived Atoms: Jotai allows you to create derived atoms that depend on other atoms, similar to Recoil's selectors.



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import { atom, useAtom } from 'jotai'; // Define an atom const textAtom = atom(''); const charCountAtom = atom((get) => get(textAtom).length); function TextInput() { const [text, setText] = useAtom(textAtom); return ( <input type="text" value={text} onChange={(e) => setText(} /> ); } function CharacterCount() { const [charCount] = useAtom(charCountAtom); return <>Character Count: {charCount}</>; } function App() { return ( <div> <TextInput /> <CharacterCount /> </div> ); }

In this example, Jotai’s atoms are used to manage and derive state. Jotai’s design is highly flexible, allowing you to use atoms in creative ways.

When to Use Jotai
  • Flexibility: Jotai is perfect for developers who need a flexible and lightweight state management solution that can be easily extended.

  • Small to Large Applications: Jotai's simplicity and flexibility make it suitable for both small and large applications.

Comparison and Conclusion

FeatureRecoilZustandJotaiApproachAtom-basedStore-basedAtom-basedComplexityMediumLowLowPerformanceOptimized for complex stateFast and lightweightLightweight and flexibleEase of UseEasy with a bit of learningVery easyEasyUse CaseComplex state dependenciesSimplicity and flexibilityFlexibility with primitive atoms

  • Recoil is best suited for applications with complex state dependencies and a need for granular re-renders.

  • Zustand is ideal for developers looking for a minimalist and flexible state management solution.

  • Jotai offers a middle ground with its primitive atom-based approach, providing both simplicity and flexibility.

Ultimately, the choice of state management library depends on your application’s specific needs and your personal preferences. Each of these libraries has its strengths and is capable of handling the state management challenges of modern React applications.